Medical Report Indexing

We key patient identifiers such as Name, Date of birth, Medical record Number(ID-No), and Contact information etc.We recive Medical records in various formats like - Images, PDF, Documents, XMl etc. We preprocess the data to clean and normalize the text remove noise, correct spelling errors. In electronic health record system.We organize data into predefined categories such as patient demographics, adiminstrative data. We Intergrate entered data into a centralized database.

We update records regularly with new information and corrections.We double check entries review data entries for accuracy and completeness.We Cross verify data with source document to ensure consistency.


Employee Details

We key employee information such as Full Name, Employee Identification number, Date of birth, Gender, Marital status, and Contact information Address, Phone numbers. Collect all necessary employee information using forms, Documents and Images.Use HR management system, Spreadsheets(excel), google sheets or Database system for data entry.Enter salary details, pay grade, bonuses, allowances, and benifits information.

Microsoft Office

In microsoft office.We have team with 4+ years of experience in microsoft office. Data entry for microsoft ofiice we using appications like excel, word, access, and Outlook to enter, organize and mange information. Creat column headers for data you need to enter(e.g., Names, Date of birth, department, salary. We set appropriate data formats for each column.

In Execl we enter organizing and analyzing data in tabular form.We follow step by set Setting up your spreadsheet, Entering Data, Data Validation, Quality  Control, Conditional formatting, Formulas and functions.  


E-Commerce Website

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